“I’m not saying I’m a Ninja. I’m just saying no one has seen me and a Ninja at the same time! “

Karate Classes for 5 and 6 year olds

These karate classes are designed for 5 and 6-Year-olds. We call them Little Ninjas because of the size of their bodies and not their hearts.

Did you know their concentration ability is around  10-25 Minutes? That is why you won’t find a better program for your little one.

We teach a specialized, internationally recognized and age-appropriate program that teaches your child a different skill every time they come to class and we concentrate on and reward with our labeling system which is the following:

Karate Kids Southern Suburbs



This skill will help your child’s aim, listening, and reaction skills. They will excel faster in physical activities; become better listeners and be more focused at school.


Essential for building character which will help your child to make friends and become a better leader.


Although karate automatically increases the confidence we keep challenging them with bigger and bigger opportunities to build confidence.


Participate in activities that require balance, like riding a bicycle. Developing this skill at an early age will help them in many activities and aids good posture development.


It’s important in the age of computer games, for a child to understand the importance of being healthy and physically fit. If your child can’t burn off all that extra energy exercising, how will they burn it off?


A child’s brain needs exercise just as much as their body. Memory development is a good exercise for your child’s brain. Our exercises are constantly helping your child think and make good decisions.


Our program uses the Little Ninja drills to help create the vision that discipline is fun and rewarding. Your child will learn to take pride in doing the right thing. (This stripe is awarded by showing a demonstration of black belt attitude: Courtesy to everybody, enthusiasm in class, willingness to help others, and to be the best they can be, in class, home and school).


Your child will learn left from right. They will become less clumsy in their movements and will find an all-around improvement in their performance in many activities. The Little Ninjas curriculum specifies one skill per class in order to fully develop each skill. The drills are designed as games so that your Little Ninja has fun and learns the Ninja skills without even realizing it.

Benefits of Martial Arts

There are many benefits for Kids and adults doing Karate but many studies show specific help to students with ADHD and ADD.

“Studies show that a complex physical activity, like martial arts, strengthens neural networks in the brain, and enables kids with ADHD to practice self-control. Movement helps them develop coordination while building strength.” 

The Skill Stripe system allows the Little Ninja to have regular smaller assessments, which result in the awarding of a particular stripe/badge. Each Ninja level has a specified number of Skill Stripes (one for each Ninja skill). The Little Ninja must collect all of these before advancing to the next level.

Little Ninja Graduation

Once all Skill Stripes and Merit Badges have been awarded, the Little Ninja will be ready for graduation to the next level. Parents will be invited to the graduation, along with family and friends in order to make it a special occasion for the Little Ninja. At the graduation, students will perform all the skills and techniques once again and upon completion, will be awarded their new belt and certificate showing their promotion.

The Little Ninja ran into the Beginner Class screaming “6 MONTHS!, 6 MONTHS!”

The students ask what all the commotion is about.

He said, “I finished the Ninjas course in just 6 MONTHS but their website said NINJAS 5-6 years!” 

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